Monday, 13 August 2012

What about African Youth?

Is it? living through a chosen lens

There I was, in the middle of that vast warm land
There I stood, expectant and full of bliss
Warm, green and magnificent in the face of that yellow sun
I watched
As they traversed my space and gave me an identity

Not allowed to react to that Identity, there I lay
I chose to allow that identity upon my frame
Troubled and deeply in pain,
I focused on my priority
To give my branches a new green

Then came those who looked upon my height in awe
Those who thought I was extraordinary
The source of their thoughts not defined
Rather cast upon a glance at a branch, at some branches
Those that resisted the unkindness of the undefined sun
Those that retained their green

Then I began to bear a new kind of seed
A different kind of seed
One whose dispersal was uninhabited
One whose skin was hard and resistant
One that gave me a hope of universal influence

The lens slowly tilted
A new identity I got
One awash with word on my new kind of seed
One influenced by the resilience of this new seed
Some dispersed never to return
Some dispersed and finding their way home
All I loved with one embrace

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